Mere facilitating a training for the Latino Nonprofit Accelerator, spring 2024

Meredith (Mere, she/they) is a strategist, trainer, facilitator and coach who believes in the power of communities to create the world of our dreams. She partners with change-making leaders, organizations and movements to shape effective strategy, tell powerful stories, facilitate productive conversations, build capacity and skills and win progressive social change.  Her primary services are:

Since launching her own business, Meredith has been honored to partner with inspiring and innovative social change groups and leaders including: Latino Community Foundation, Urban Tilth, Inatai Foundation, Begins with Home Housing Justice Storytelling Initiative, Othering and Belonging Institute, White People 4 Black Lives, Safer Communities Accelerator of the Just Trust, The LeadersTrust, Partnership for the Future of Learning CA, Immigration Legal Resource Center, GSA Network, Food System 6, Alliance for Boys and Men of Color, Define American, Equality Federation, Protect Dissent Network, Showing Up for Racial Justice, Borealis Philanthropy, Richmond Our Power Coalition, and the Hood Incubator.

They do a mix of long term engagements, short projects, one-time trainings or retreats with these partners- customizing content, pace, approach and vibe to meet your needs amid frameworks of strategic best practice, prefigurative politics, and leading with love.

Meredith spent four years as a Vice President at Fenton- the social change agency (with a coincidental name) where they led partnerships with a wide range of organizations and foundations within the firm's social justice practice including Foundation for a Just Society, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Transgender Law Center, San Francisco Foundation, First Place for Youth, Lyon Martin Health Clinic, and the Forward Promise Initiative. These collaborations allowed clients to tell better stories, adopt message platforms, rebrand their organizations, develop more effective communications plans, and build movement capacity for effective communications.She served as a lead trainer for Fenton’s capacity building offerings and also helped lead internal training efforts for staff development. 

Previously Meredith served as the Director of Communication Strategies at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and as the National Program Director of COLAGE. Spending 15 years in-house at non-profits committed to youth development, LGBTQ equality and racial justice grounds their consulting work with deep knowledge of organizing, non-profit cultures, and the importance of relationship building.

Outside of her work as a consultant, trainer and coach, Meredith serves as Board Co-Chair of Californians for Justice. She is also a performer, writer, volunteer, and activist who works with such groups as the Queer Cultural Center, IJAN, JVP, Seed the Vote, Showing Up for Racial Justice, and the Radical Communicators Network.

Meredith is an aspiring photographer (all the imagery on this site is original photography), avid Broadway fan, fierce Boggle player, and a lover of sparkly things. She is a magna cum laude graduate of Wellesley College and lives in Oakland, CA with her partner and their Muppet of a dog- Fosse.